Friday, May 24, 2013

Oh, hi.

Hi friends! I took a bit of a blogging break, didn't I? Well, I'm really hoping that when I say that I'm back to blogging that I'll really follow through. Getting my thoughts/life events/likes/dislikes out there really is nice... it's my little public journal and scrapbook. And I so desperately need to document some of the changes that have taken place over the past few months, because there have been some major ones. 

The biggest change is that we are now a family of four! Hooray! 

I was induced on May 7, and at 5:25 pm Owen Maverick Harris made his arrival. There is so much that I want to say about that day, and I will, but not today. It was a wonderful day and surprisingly quite different from my labor and delivery with Dylan. Not that my childbirth experiences have been bad, but I was just surprised how different they were from each other. 

You know what else has surprised me? How different Owen is from when Dylan was a newborn. Seriously, Owen has been the most content, laid-back  baby that I could have ever imagined, knock on wood. I think that Dylan was just a little more of a normal baby (he had his days and nights mixed up for the first few weeks, oy) and Owen is just really, blessedly easy. 

You know what has not surprised me? How Owen and Dylan look almost identical as newborns. Seriously, take a look:
Owen, 7 days old

Dylan, 8 days old

Seriously, their little faces are so much alike!

There really are so many things that I want to document on the blog, so maybe if I list them out it will be more likely to actually happen. Here are a few things that I'm planning to post about in the upcoming week or so:

-The unfortunate events of May 5 and 6
- Owen's birth story
- Owen's nursery
- Becoming a mama of 2


Kaley said...

Yay! I've missed you!

Unknown said...

me too!!!

Suzie Soda said...

Congratulations Chrissy! Your babies are adorable. xoxo

Taylor Kowallis said...

Oh they are so adorable and yes they look just alike!! They could be twins!!