Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So the other day I was in our 1/2 bath on the first floor. I noticed a mosquito buzzing around the ceiling, so I grabbed a wad of toilet paper, stood on the toilet, realized I was a little short to reach the ceiling, jumped to get the little bugger, landed back on the toilet, and heard a big CRACK. Yup, my little hop caused me to bust our toilet lid. Looks like I need to either 1. lay off the french fries, or 2. stop jumping on toilet lids. Either way, I felt like a nerd. Who breaks their toilet lid?


{lizzythebotanist} said...

yeah...sarah, allie yun and i were all bestest friends in cranberry. i came out to utah in 99 for BYU and haven't left yet. and it's not looking like i will anytime soon! it's a trap! you in the same boat?

stacey said...

Tyson broke our lid by sitting on it to clip his toenails. It was funny! (Ours was a super cheap flimsy plastic lid, not even that thick hard plastic. Our last apartment was g-h-e-t-t-o!)

sarahbclark! said...

good job, chrissi. i want to reference the "offensive" question i asked you on vacation, but that would just be unnecessarily cruel. i do love you though! glad you took a picture and blogged about it!

Erin said...

This post cracked me up! haha...its something that would totally happen to me!