Friday, May 13, 2011

Is it just me...

Or are CeeLo Green's hands reaaaaaally small? I swear, it is the only thing that I can think about when I see him clapping on "The Voice."

When my mind goes on a break from being fixated on his small hands, I immediately start thinking of the way that he claps, as it reminds me of this:
Yes, that would be the mom from "The Nutty Professor" saying, "Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!" Please tell me that you remember this. 

And on to weekend news.....
Ummm there really isn't anything major going on with me, which I love. I have nothing that I have to do and I really could stay in my pajamas all weekend. Not that I'm going for 72 hours of pajamadness, but I just like having that option, you know?

I am in desperate need of some decent pajamas. 99% of the time pajamas means a ratty old t-shirt from 1997 (yes, 1997... that's 14 years old. Vom.) and my disgusting, stretched out, hole in the knee and crotch yoga pants. I like to call then my elephantes (el-uh-fahn-tays) but they really need to be called garbage. Any suggestions as to where I can find some fabulous pajamas?


Ashley said... co-worker and I were talking about CeeLo's incredibly small hands just the other day.

Taylor Kowallis said...

Victoria secret PINK has cute stuff!!

Kathleen said...

Ok, my husband said the same thing.. and then he googled it and Daniel Tosh's blog came up with a post dedicated to his tiny hands. Daniel Tosh is mostly inappropriate, so don't read the very last sentence of this post. In fact, stop reading after the pictures...

PS-You don't really know me--I'm friends with Kaley. We've probably met once... but I really like your blog!

Jo-Dan said...

I know what you mean about the "PJ's" favorite PJ shirt is from Homecoming at BYU in 1998...and I have two of them...and they are totally see through, but that doesn't stop me from wearing them in the backyard and out to get the mail. My favorite PJ's that are real PJ's are from Victoria's Secret, but they are not good for summer. Old Navy also has very comfortable PJ type clothing (usually with fun things written on the butt...JUICY!!!).

Sarah said...

hahahaha. that was funny.

ty hates most of my pj pants. in fact I just DI'ed a good pile. It made Ty happy. Gap sweats are fab.

Anonymous said...

OBSESSED with these pants. i have (seriously) 10ish pairs. of which 7 are different colors. i will NEVER ever give these up. good for summer, winter. whatev. PLEASE get some. for me. so that you can share in my good fortune and happiness.