Monday, July 21, 2008

Avoidance to the fullest.

In our little townhome complex, Ben and I have a certain neighbor that drives us crazy. We've actually taken to avoiding him. Yesterday, Ben's avoidance reached new heights.

Ben was about to pull into our parking lot, but he saw the neighbor. Rather than park in our assigned spot and undoubtedly get into an endless conversation with this neighbor, Ben drove around to the opposite side of our complex, (it's shaped like a square, with the houses facing the outside and the backyards on the inside) parked in a guest spot, cut through some random yards, snuck through our backyard, and slipped into the house.

We think it's hilarious that our lives have come to this- running and hiding from this neighbor. I kind of feel like Wayne from Wayne's World avoiding his ex-girlfriend Stacy. Just look down and maybe she won't notice we're here...


Morgan said...

HA!! I love the reference to Wayne's World!

Sarah said...

I love the added Wayne's World comparison. Perfect & hilarious. Good luck with future encounters!!

Erin said...

Lol!!!!!!! That is too funny!

sarahbclark! said...

i'd look forward to moving!