Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 14: A photo of something that makes me happy.

Because I'm a sentimental mush, here's a picture that makes me so happy. 

I was lucky enough to grow up having a spectacular father who was everything that a dad should be. He really set the bar high when it came to being a great dad, and I'm so happy that Ben has met all my expectations of what a great dad should be. Dylan and Ben are such great buddies and are always playing and having fun. I love my boys!

In other news, I totally and completely fell down a set of wood stairs yesterday at my friend Allison's Superbowl party. This was not just a little slip or stumble on the stairs. It was a feet fly out from under you, your whole body is momentarily airborne, before your whole body crashes down on the stairs one step at a time type of fall.  Bashed my tailbone, back, arms, and head on the hard, wooden stairs. So. Much. Pain. Everyone at the party was so kind and helpful- even Dylan. Immediately following the fall I was kneeling on all fours, trying to determine whether I was going to die from pain. Dylan was so sweet and crawled under me to put his face near mine. Such a sweet little guy. After a few minutes I knew that I was just badly bruised, not broken and I spent the rest of the Superbowl laying on the couch with an icepack. Oy. I'm super sore today, but I'm so happy for a few things: 1. That my miserable wipe out was in front of friends, not strangers. It would have turned an embarrassing situation into a mortifying one. 2. My friends are so sweet to take care of me and Dylan when I'm not at my best. 3. Despite my ridiculous fall, the Superbowl party was still the best I've ever attended. Delicious food, fun games, and great prizes. Thanks Andersons.

Where was Ben during all of this mayhem? Poor guy is fighting off the flu and spent the whole day sleeping in bed or comatose on the couch. No party for him.  


Anonymous said...

oh so fun. glad you still had a good time. here's to the next party. sans stair flying.

harley449 said...

I am so glad you are ok every time I go down those staris it takes me forever watching every step I take.Allison and Mckay are good hosts glad you could go. Good Luck to Ben with his knee.........

Emily Nice said...

ouch! glad you are in one piece.